2026: TBC
Location: TBC

Chronic pain affects one in five people and is notoriously hard to treat.  It is best conceptualised as a long-term medical condition that requires self-management. Evidence supports the use of non-pharmacological methods to improve participation in daily activities and enhance the quality of life, despite the presence of ongoing pain. ACT helps pain sufferers develop self-management behaviours guided by the values important to them.

This workshop equips health professionals with the knowledge and skills to integrate ACT into their clinical practice. You will learn how to improve outcomes for chronic pain sufferers by changing the way they relate to their pain and pain-reactive thoughts and feelings. This is facilitated by the core ACT processes: acceptance, defusion, committed action, presence, self-as context, and values clarification.

Lunch and morning tea included.

Designed for:

Health clinicians of any discipline.


Register through eventbrite.

About your trainers:

John Moffat is a clinical psychologist and co-founder of ACT Wellington. He has a special interest in the application of ACT in behavioural health, particularly people suffering from chronic pain and other persistent medical issues. He has extensive pain management experience within the public and private health systems, and developed a group-based ACT programme for chronic pain in 2012. John is currently the Lead Clinical Psychologist with TBI Health, one of New Zealand’s largest integrated healthcare providers.