Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington

Life can be hard.

We want to help you manage life when it’s difficult. And we know that for many people ACT has a profound and positive effect on wellbeing.

ACT for Everybody is a 6 week course where you’ll learn how to interact more helpfully with thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you struggle with. You’ll develop your ability to move towards what matters to you even when you’re feeling bad. And you’ll do this with a small group of others.

We know that people wonder whether groups are for them! We find that discovering ACT in a group provides special opportunities to learn from each other and highlights how all our minds get stuck in struggle at times. The course includes chances to share but you can choose how much or little you contribute.

What is ACT?

We think about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a way of helping people live their lives based on their values, and without painful thoughts and feelings getting in the way.

Emotional pain is a normal and unavoidable part of human experience. Often it is the struggle to avoid painful thoughts and feelings that leads to suffering. ACT is literally about taking action: accepting what you can’t change and committing to what you can.

What can I expect?

ACT for Everybody is a supportive, confidential and fun course with between 8 and 12 participants. It runs for 2 hours on Tuesday afternoons, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

Designed for:

Adults aged 18 years old and above.


Interested in joining the next course?

I’m currently collecting names of people who want to join the next one.  Email me at giselle@gisellebahr.co.nz and I’ll add you to the list for the next group.  You can also call me on 027 567 4496 if you’d like to chat about the course.

About your trainers:

Giselle Bahr is a clinical psychologist and co-founder of ACT Wellington. She has been using ACT in her practice for over 13 years, and has been trained and supervised by many of the world’s leading ACT therapists and researchers. Giselle has worked at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, in Private Practice with adults and adolescents, and trained new clinical psychology students at Victoria University of Wellington. Giselle has developed and facilitates a group introducing ACT to Parents.